My Parents Moved In Behind Us! Since Mr. Jo and I have two young children and two full-time jobs, we really appreciate the help of our parents with watching the children and cooking meals, etc. In order to secure 24/7 help, we successfully convinced my parents to move into our Continue Reading
Random Gifts of Kindness Project – Glen Meadows Neighborhood

Random Gifts of Kindness Project Mission – To form connections with real-life neighbors by giving freely from our own abundance, receiving others’ gifts, talents, and time with gratitude, and creating a network of sharing and lending that builds wealth and reduces waste. Objectives Reduce waste Help your neighbors Practice gratitude Continue Reading
Breckenridge Toddler Activities – Family Ski Trip

Having grown up in Texas, Mr. Jo and I didn’t go skiing for the first time until after we met in college. Though we are still beginners, we love this winter sport so much that we want our kids to learn how to ski from an early age. Last Year’s Continue Reading