Egg Cooker – Make Perfect Eggs Every Time
How I Discovered the Egg Cooker
I am obsessed with my egg cooker. We have been using it almost daily in our household for three years now.
My friend Christina introduced me to the egg cooker. Christina’s husband is vegetarian and they are raising their three young children pescatarian (no meat except fish). Eggs are a key source of protein for my friend Christina and her family because they are nutrient-dense and easy to make with the egg cooker. Check Amazon for price.
Health Benefits of Eggs
Did you know that in 2013, the British Medical Journal published a meta-analysis (an analysis of multiple studies) that showed there was no association between egg consumption and risk for coronary heart disease or stroke (Chen, R. 2013)? Since I had been avoiding egg yolks my whole adult life due to the high cholesterol content, I was elated to hear this news. I love a good runny egg yolk in a medium-boiled egg.
The egg white is pretty much pure, clean protein. See the nutrition facts for one large egg below.
The most recent evidence shows that the saturated and trans fats we eat contribute more to our blood cholesterol levels than dietary cholesterol (i.e. from eggs). So, it would be more beneficial to reduce our intake of red meat, fried foods, and full-fat dairy products. Of course, we still want to consume eggs in moderation. I usually make two eggs a day with my egg cooker and eat just one of the egg yolks.
Egg Cooker Ease
If you have ever boiled eggs on the stove, you have probably had a few explode because you got bored waiting for them to cook. You decided to go do something else real quick, and then you hear “pop, pop!” Insert sad face emoji…
This is just another reason why I love my egg cooker. All I have to do is poke a hole in the bottom of the egg with the provided tool and set it on the egg cooker. Then, I pour in the desired amount of water (with the included measuring cup) and push the ON button. When the eggs are done, the egg cooker alarms and it stops cooking. In the meantime, I’m getting other stuff done around the house or making my green smoothie.
The egg cooker is also super versatile. You can make omelettes and poached eggs with it. Since it operates like a food steamer, you can also steam small portions of vegetables, shrimp, other seafood, dumplings, etc.
Good for the Whole Family
My toddlers love peeling the eggs themselves and eating them for breakfast or as a snack. When the grandparents are over, I’ll make a bunch at one time. Since eggs cost about 5 cents a piece, we feed the whole family for pennies. There is even an egg cooker that makes 12 at one time.
Millions of Egg Recipes
I have made many different recipes with the eggs from my egg cooker. Just a few of these include: egg salad, deviled eggs, cobb salad, soy sauce eggs, eggs for ramen, and Easter eggs!
Rong Y, Chen L, Zhu T, Song Y, Yu M, Shan Z, Sands A, Hu FB, Liu L. (2013). In British Medical Journal (Ed 8539), UpToDate. Retrieved June 5, 2018, from
*This page contains affiliate links; however, I only recommend products that I have personally used and think others would benefit from.